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Earth-Based Programs, Workshops and Events

Earth based practice involves working with the cycles of the earth, lunar and solar phases. It is a deeply spiritual practice that is based on ancient ways of being. It harnesses the power that is within us and celebrates the Devine in all of us.

There are many forms of earth-based practice and all are honoured and welcome.

Matilda's School of Witchcraft and Magic

Join Matilda and Dawn in this immersive magical experience. Spend a full weekend exploring many aspects of witchcraft from wand lore, poppets and divination to tree magic, elemental beings and more.

For those that would like to be totally immersed, there are opportunities to stay over with a couple of accommodation options. For others, we offer the option not to stay and return home each night.

We are delighted to be hosting this at Earth Spring Sanctuary in the Highlands. It is a truly magical place full of amazing energy, mystical forest and earth energy.

This event is fully catered.


Package 1 (SOLD OUT)

Accommodation: Queen Room Friday Night and Saturday Night

Friday: Dinner

Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch

Cost: $680 per person (3 available)Early Bird Price (if booked by 30th Sept and deposit received) $620

Package 2 (1 PLACE LEFT)

Accommodation: Tree House (shared) Friday Night and Saturday Night

Friday: Dinner

Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch

*own bedding and towels must be supplied

Cost: $600 per person (2 available).Early Bird Price (if booked by 30th Sept and deposit received) $580

Package 3

Accommodation: Camping Friday Night and Saturday Night

Friday: Dinner

Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch

*own tents/camping equipment must be supplied

Cost: $580 per person (10 available)Early Bird Price (if booked by 30th Sept and deposit received) $540

Package 4

No Accommodation.  

Friday: Dinner

Saturday: Lunch and Dinner

Sunday: Lunch

Cost: $520 per person (10 available).Early Bird Price (if booked by 30th Sept and deposit received) $480

*option to join the group for breakfast at an additional cost of $20 per day.

Finding your Magical Path

If you have been feeling guided to walk a magical path, this program is for you.

Focused on the wheel of the year, the program of study will explore the rituals, practices, ceremonies and spell-work related to each aspect of the year.

Running for a full year, the emphasis of this program is to support you in your magical practice and help you to grow your earth based spirituality. Working through the wheel of the year will provide you with a profound connection to the earth as well as develop practical approaches to integrating this ancient wisdom and practice into your life.

This a mixture of knowledge sharing, skill building and ceremony commencing with a full day of foundational practice before embarking upon the wheel of the year.

We will be exploring the following:

•The ethics of Magical Practice

•Working with the Elements

•Candle Magic

•Fire Magic

•Using Portals

•Celebrations throughout the Year

•Psychic Protection and Warding

•Water Magic


•Heightening Intuition

•Circle Casting

•Intention and Spell Work


$600 per person

This program will next run in 2020.


Psychic Self Defence

This is a comprehensive 2 day workshop which will give you the knowledge and skills to protect and ward yourself and your environment from spiritual, energy and human influence and negativity.

 Some of the techniques you will be shown date back centuries and are being taught in Canada for the first time!

This program will be great for empaths, energy workers, psychics and mediums.

COST: $200 per person

2020 dates coming soon!

Smudge Feather and Stick Making

In this 3 hour workshop you will learn how to make smudging feathers and sticks. Fresh and organic botanicals will be available to use and included in the cost of the workshop as well as your choice of feather and embellishments. Once made you will dedicate and bless your feather and practice the ancient art of smudging. A truly wonderful way to spend a day!

The workshop runs from 1pm-4pm

COST:  $80, including materials.

2020 dates coming soon!

Wand Making

Wands are ancient tools for ceremony and magical working. The most powerful magical tools are the ones you make yourself. Get creative and make your own wand from wood gathered for this purpose.

Included in this workshop are all the materials you need to make a most magnificent wand indeed! Refreshments are also included.

At the end of the creative process you will be taken through a ceremony to consecrate you wand

This is a half day workshop from 1pm - 4pm.

COST: $80 per person

2020 dates coming soon!

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