International College of Energy Healing

Sound Healing
"Sound will be the medicine of the future"
Edgar Cayce
Using sound to bring about altered states of consciousness and to heal physically, mentally and emotionally has been around since man first walked the earth. We will dig into the history of it later and it might surprise you long we have been using sound in this way.
Sound healing is often referred to as “vibrational medicine” as vibration and frequency are at the core of how this works with us. There are many ways in which to use sound for healing and if you are like me, you will be excited by the possibility and potential for yourself, your family, your clients, the planet and the universe!
We have a range of sound healing programs you can study in-person or via distance learning. All in person programs will take place at our Langford location
All our programs are accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).
Sound Healing Practitioner Program
This program is designed for anyone who would like to become a certified Sound Healing Practitioner. Whether you are an existing therapist or energy worker who wishes to add this powerful healing modality to your toolkit or are new to energy healing and is drawn to work with clients in this way, this program is for you.
It is a multi-instrument program where you get to explore how to use various sound healing instruments with a client during a session, including your voice, singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, rattles, bells and gongs. It is a blend of theory and practice.
You will be practicing with both Metal and Crystal singing bowls and the tuning fork sets we will be concentrating on are harmonic spectrum and the Otto tuning fork sets.
Towards the end of the program you will be confident to be able to undertake a full healing session using several sound healing instruments/techniques.
Assessment for certification is undertaken by the submission of 3 case studies before the end of the program and an observed sound healing session.
Certification will only be granted if students complete all the case study requirements and the final assessment.
The program can be studied in person or completely online.
The cost of the program is $800.
For immediate access to the online program, click this link

Program Overview
Module 1.
Introduction to the course
History of Sound Healing, how it Works and its Benefits
Anatomy and Physiology of Sound and How we Hear
Chakras and the Auric Field
Module 2.
Using your Voice, Toning and Chanting
Theory and Practice
Module 3.
Singing Bowls (Tibetan and Crystal)
Theory and Practice
Module 4.
Tuning Forks (Chakra, Harmonic Spectrum, Otto and Ohm sets)
Theory and Practice
Module 5.
Drums and Rattles
Theory and Practice
Module 6.
Bells, Chimes and Gongs
Professional Practice
Module 7.
Final Assessment
Starting and Running a Holistic Business
This program is studied online with access to modules which include videos/audio recordings and a manual which can be downloaded. In order to fully participate and practice, students must have access to the following instruments:
at least 1 metal singing bowl,
Harmonic Spectrum, Ohm and Otto Tuning Forks
Frame Drum.

Tuning Forks:
Sonic Meridian and Accu-Pressure to improve energy flow and function
Organ re-balancing and alignment
Sonic facial massage
Shamanic drum journey to facilitate client wellness
Facilitating a group sound bath
This program can be studied distance learning and will include workbooks, Skype sessions and email discussion. In order to participate, students must have access to all of the instruments being studied.
Students can commence the program any time and work through the content in their own time. However, it is recommended that the full program is completed within 12 months of starting.
Advanced Sound Healing Program
This program is for graduates of the Certified Sound Healing Practitioner Program (Level One).
We will be exploring additional techniques using Tuning Forks, Drums and Facilitating a Group Session.
We will be delving more deeply into additional techniques and protocols using tuning forks including meridians and acupressure points. You will learn how to improve energy flow throughout the body by placing forks on specific points to remove blocks. In addition you will learn how to use human organ forks to bring all the bodies’ organs back into vibrational balance. You will also learn how to undertake a facial massage using tuning forks.
We will be working with Otto, Ohm, Meridian, Solfeggio and Organ tuning fork sets
We will also be concentrating on additional techniques using the drum and how to take the client through a drum journey effectively and safely.
Finally, we will be covering facilitating a group sound bath.
This level is undertaken over a full weekend. Cost $400
Places are limited to 8 and you must be a graduate of the level one program.
Please get in touch to go onto the wait list

You will learn:
•How to assess a client's energy field, clear it and balance it using forks
•Assessing and balancing the Chakra system
•Using forks for emotional release and re-balance
•Nervous system re-balancing and stress reduction techniques
•Sonic Lymph Massage
•Using intervals to resolve a variety of mental, emotional and physical issues
•Tuning Fork Meridian Therapy and Protocols
•Use of Human Organ Tuning Forks
•Tuning Fork Therapy and the Endocrine System
•The use of Solfeggio Frequencies
•Sonic Facial Technique
We will be working with the following forks:
Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Forks
Mid Ohm Fork
Otto Tuning Fork Set
Solfeggio Frequencies
Human Organ Tuning Forks
Meridian Tuning Forks (optional)
Tuning Fork Practitioner
This two day program is designed for therapists who are already offering sound healing as part of their practice and who wish to integrate tuning forks in this or for anyone who wishes to offer Tuning Fork Therapy to clients.
Tuning forks frequencies are effective tools to use within sound healing and can be used on their own or with other instruments.
In order to be granted Tuning Fork Practitioner Status - you will be required to submit 3-case studies. Certificates will be issued when these have been received and assessed.
Cost: $400 per person. Payment plans are available. Places are limited to 8.
Get in touch to find out more about the program and scheduled